Ingredients 所需材料 Ingredient Checklist 8 lamb shoulder 8 片羊肩肉 1/4 cup parsley 1/4 杯香菜 2 rosemary sprigs 2小支迷迭香 1 teaspoon salt 1 茶匙盐 1 teaspoon pepper 1 茶匙胡椒 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 4 汤匙初榨橄榄油 4 mint leaves 4 片薄荷叶 1/2 tablespoons cayenne pepper (optional) 1/2 汤匙辣椒粉 (可选) 2 tablespoons butter (unsalted) 2 汤匙无盐牛油 2 gloves garlic (Chopped) 2 瓣大蒜切碎 all spices (optional) 五香粉 (可选) Directions Instructions Checklist Step 1 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Add all the ingredients in small food processor including two tablespoon olive oil, with the exception of the butter. Pulse to liquify. 烤箱预热至400度。 将牛油以外的所有食材和橄榄油放进食物搅拌器中搅拌至顺滑。 Step 2 Pour the marinade over the lamb chops, coat well. Sprinkle with allspice for additional flavor (optional). Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for up to 48 hours. 将腌料均匀涂抹在羊肉上,可选择撒上五香粉以增加口味,然后用保鲜膜盖上并冷藏最多48小时。 Step 3 In an ovenproof skillet, heat the skillet and olive oil. Pan sear the lamb for 2 minutes per side. Pour the remaining mixture over the meat in the skillet and bake the lamb on 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes for well done. 在耐高温的煎锅中,倒入橄榄油加热。将羊肉每侧煎2分钟并将剩余的腌料倒入煎锅中的羊肉上,然后将羊肉放入预热400度的烤箱里烤10-15分钟。 Step 4 Serve warm and enjoy! 祝您愉快用餐